Nü Marriage

3 min readMar 26, 2021


You know what would be so much better than our current marriage model? A model where we all pick another person to live with for 1–5 years with the mutual understanding that both parties are open to the relationship turning into whatever it turns into; with both parties first agreeing on the openness of possibility and eventually agreeing on the outcome.

Let’s call it


with Nü Marriage

  • You choose a person to live with with zero expectations for 1–5 years (timeframe agreed upon upfront).
  • You two co-exist and bond over time in whatever way feels natural to both of you. It does not have to ever become a sexual or romantic relationship to be valid or celebrated or enjoyed. In the world of Nü Marriage, romantic partnership is not idealized as being more important than other types of relationships.

**Think about how many types of relationships and life experiences could be available to us if we lived like this**

Like, I’d love to live with Ann Dowd for a year. Just co-exist with Ann Dowd for an arguably short period of time. I’d love to witness how Ann Down spends a day and learn what makes Ann laugh, what her pet peeves are, what she likes to watch while falling asleep. Now, do I want to marry and have sex with Ann Dowd? I don’t have those desires, no. But why is the only conceivable way that I could live with Ann Dowd, to discover what she mindlessly snacks on throughout the day, to date or marry her?

I’ll tell you why it is because our current system is flawed.

The model must be dismantled and built again.

Marriage, as we understand it now, should be one outcome of several possible outcomes after living with a person for 1–5 years.

with Nü Marriage

+++Every type of relationship is given equal importance+++

Friendships are equal to romantic partners are equal to business partners are equal to support systems are equal to sexual partners are equal to BDSM buddies are equal to blood brothers are equal gal pals are equal to bar bros are equal to co-creaters are equal to accountability partners are equal to etc etc forever and ever, amen.

The Two Covenants of Nü Marriage

Every type of relationship that blossoms out of Nü Marriage is honored and respected and enjoyed to its fullest extent without judgement.

Every type of relationship is treated with equal dignity and respect once it is agreed upon by both parties.

The Two Steps of Nü Marriage

You pick a person (via app or in real life) and you two mutually decide to enter into a Nü Marriage Contract

You both decide on whether or not you’d like to be on the 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 year plan. (Everyone has different intimacy needs which impacts how long they’d want to live together before deciding what they are.)

Things to remember when exploring Nü Marriage

If during your chosen time period your relationship becomes sexual and romantic and you like that? Great, you have a partner now.

If during your chosen time period your relationship becomes artistic and you like that? Great, you have an artistic partner now.

If during your chosen time period your relationship becomes entrepreneurial? Great, you have a business partner now.

If during your chosen time period your relationship becomes platonically supportive? Great, you have a loyal friend now.

If during your chosen time period you realize that you really don’t like being around the other person in any capacity? No problem! You can pick someone else to live with and explore, next.

It’s 2021 and there are new experiences just around the corner.

“Nü Marriage. *wink* It’s finally Biden’s America.”

*contact me with serious inquiries only*

